Friday, April 2, 2010

Hadi, Flower Man from Al Farsha - Saudi Arabia

Hadi, Flower Man from Al Farsha - Saudi Arabia

The flower men live in Yemen and Saudi Arabia. They wear a headdress made with fresh flowers and smelly grasses.
Meeting them in the souq of Al Farsha was a special time as we needed a police escort to go in the area.
Once in the place, the men were rather suprised to see foreigners as they are remoted.
Thanks to my polaroid, i was able to deal pictures, but they are really independant!
It looks like they come out from an antiques fresco in British Museum....
For few minutes my wife left the police escort, and had all the flower men touching her!
When the police told us it was dangerous, we understood they were right!
And when we asked the police to go in the villages, they answered: impossible!